; J.Gan

2010-12-22 : -
I don't want to do this studying thing any more make it stop please.

I always used to think people were joking when they said "Don't come to medicine". As I spent more time in med school, I realized they were half-joking. Now, in year 5, straight from a major posting into 4 weeks of studying over the new year and Christmas, I'm not even sure they were joking.

Studying really isn't the way to feel good. I don�t even know how all this information is going into my head. Is it even going in? K it doesn't matter because there isn't time to check if it's gone in. Because we have to mug an entire textbook in 3 weeks. It's cool stuff.

What I really want to do is spend a long, long time in the US of A on holiday, by myself. LONG HOLIDAY.

I can't bear to waste my parents' money, that's why I'm not going to the states for electives. Also, electives are now a way to get to know your prospective future faculty so you stand a better chance of getting into their residency programme, where places are extremely limited..


written at 12:39 p.m.

- - 2012-04-23
- - 2012-04-20
- - 2012-02-28
Wistful - 2012-01-22
- - 2012-01-20