; J.Gan

2010-11-08 : Paeds destruction
Paeds chipped away at my empathy, drive, endurance, enthusiasm and thirst for knowledge.

Now O&G is chipping away at my desire to... Be around women. It's not turning me into a HO/MO or anything, (you'll have to wait a year or two before I can use either of those titles officially) but I think we can safely conclude that my desire to get a girlfriend is significantly lower than it was before I entered O&G.

And we're only halfway through! Who knows what'll have happened by the end of the posting. Perhaps I'll have been fully transformed into an amoeba or something.

P.S., I've got most of the endurance and thirst for knowledge back. My drive is still severely impaired, and I don't think I'll ever get the empathy back. During the 9 o'clock Chinese show today, there was a scene which involved a person falling from the third storey of a HDB flat, and my mom and sis said they'd scream if it happened in front of them. All I could think about was going over and doing the ABCs, and maybe a secondary survey. And maybe stabilizing the person's c-spine with my hands/arms. And perhaps assessing their GCS.

The magic of delivery is overrated!

written at 10:53 p.m.

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