; J.Gan

: CHP Over!
When you don't have something you want, you're envious of those who have it. When you have something that's hard to get, you hope less people get hold of it. True?

Ugh. I've just seen something disturbing. What could be disturbing to a medical student, you wonder. Yeah, I used to puzzle about that too, but I've finally found something that is deeply disturbing (inexplicably so!) and my body is recoiling on a rather visceral level.

It's not medical-related!

The fieldwork part of CHP is finally over! No more traipsing up and down flights of stairs knocking on people's doors and begging them to do the survey.

Now I just have to send all my research to the relevant committees and wish them all the best. We have around 50 journal abstracts, and numerous others, so all I can say to the presentation and report-writing teams is bon app�tit. Abstracts are delicious!

Argh I don't want to have to read another abstract for a month.

written at

- - 2012-04-23
- - 2012-04-20
- - 2012-02-28
Wistful - 2012-01-22
- - 2012-01-20