; J.Gan

2010-01-02 : CHP!
Life has been so busy lately! I guess you could say I really didn�t know what I was getting myself into when I didn't "protest violently" against my selection as the lit review head.

So far, there have been about 10 survey revisions, with 4 in the space of one hour last night. It was insane!

We did the pilot study today, and in addition to our expected survey findings, we found some other incidental findings, henceforth referred to as "How to get survey responses and impress people".

From our experience today during the morning shift, who the pair is makes a large difference! If you send one guy, you get a 20% response rate. Addition of another guy makes no difference; the response rate will remain at 20%. But if you send a girl and a guy, you get a 100% increase in response rate, to 40%! If the guy is wearing long sleeves (Darren Choy), you get a further 100% increase in response rate!

If the guy is jontang, you get bonus response rate too. The bonus response rate is about 20% of your response rate.

Chance and I went as a pair and got 1 out of 5 respondents. Leonard got the same. Jontang got 6! It looks like the jontang skillz are really valuable to have.

Anyway, a protip. Nobody cares whether you can measure their blood pressure to check for hypertension or not. It doesn't work as a carrot! >: (

written at 9:57 p.m.

- - 2012-04-23
- - 2012-04-20
- - 2012-02-28
Wistful - 2012-01-22
- - 2012-01-20