; J.Gan

2009-11-28 : put out to graze
So, the grass isn't really always greener on the other side of the fence. For a while I've been reading about the Black Friday thanksgiving offers and salivating over the phones and their delicious carrier-subsidized prices. 30 bucks for a droid eris? OMGGGG

But then I decided to go one step further today and see how much it would cost me to get a phone + plan. It's rather shocking; the cheapest plan is about 39.99USD a month. At today's exchange rate, that's about 55SGD a month. For a voice-only plan. There's a lot of talktime, but it's still 55 bucks a month. That's 2.6 times what my similar, voice-only plan costs every month, even with less talktime.

It's a lot more! Really didn't see that coming.

They do have the nicer phones there, though. Pity Singapore isn't a top priority for tech, always getting stuff a few months later, and still at top dollar. So by the time the tech gets here, it's almost outdated, and still expensive. A month or two more, and they'll release the next generation of devices.

And I'll have to decide whether to wait for those (and then bleed money), or get the current-gen device.

Ah, the dilemma of the empoverished tech geek!

In other news, the SGD-JPN yen exchange rate is 1.6. WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO MY JAPAN TRIP NOW! EVERYTHING IS 14% MORE EXPENSIVE! =(((((( onsennnnnnn

written at 3:26 p.m.

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