; J.Gan

2009-07-07 : -
I've come a long way, but I seldom look back. I doubt there are many who've come as far as I have. I couldn�t have done it alone, and I'm really grateful to everyone who's helped me in some way.

I plan to live my life well, without any regrets. What's past is past. It can't be changed. I let go of things that have already happened. You can only see one way at a time. I don't look back because I want to see what's happening now. Maybe the things that are in the future.

It's tempting to look back. But the past will just grab on to you and pull you in, and then you'll be lost, ensnared for however long it takes you to free yourself. Some people never free themselves.

So I'll try not to look back. I'll not live in the past, nor for tomorrow. I'll live my life well, right here, a day at a time. I'll try not to waste my life away in the future or the past. I'll live it here, in the present.

It's all good. No regrets.

written at 9:42 p.m.

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