; J.Gan

2009-07-05 : Level up!
I didn't think it was possible, but this week I leveled up in more than one way:

First, m3 med is starting to make sense. What we're supposed to do, why we're supposed to do it, how to do some of the PEs smoothly and present them smoothly, how to make the patient comfortable.

Second, I've reached a new level of introversion. I didn't think it was possible, but I've done it, so there you have it. No longer feel the urge to go out with the friends. If it happens, great, if not, there's other stuff to do. Perhaps it's a side effect of the exuberance. Unfortunately I think the people I had dinner with on Friday evening got rather a large dose of it; still going to have to fine tune it a bit. I was tired, and combined with the aforesaid, I was rather quiet for most of the evening. Anyway. All good.

Third, I think I can see more of my abs than ever before! Also, finally figured out how to wear those shirts I thought were oversized; they're not really too big, but the material used and the details make them appear to be.

I think I'll enjoy the rest of my anti-social weekend tomorrow, probably sleep late, get some reading done, maybe go check some stuff out.

Have a good weekend!

written at 12:13 a.m.

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