; J.Gan

2009-03-19 : Distilled emo, part 1
Every time I look at your relationships, or potential relationships, I see so much pain in them. What is likely to happen, or could happen.

You guys have borne the burden of being my friends the numerous times I've said emo stuff (like "I don�t think I'll ever get married"). However! I have now improved and refined the idea, and managed to distill the essence of the emoness.

Now with 50% more emo!

Full argument will not be disclosed here! So that next time when I whine to a friend at least the first time will be something remotely fresh and they won't have to grind their teeth in secret behind those smiles I see when I begin to say stuff like "I don't think-"

I know it's not easy to see me everyday.

So far I haven't met anyone who I like enough to contemplate spending time with, and I'm not good enough for the people who do interest me.

I guess it'd be like tying them down. I'm not perfect. Admittedly, neither are the people in question, but I like to believe they deserve better than a slightly pudgy, not handsome, geek with a propensity to spend significant amounts of time on stuff like computer games.

Perhaps part of this results from the fact that I have a greatly reduced amount of patience nowadays. I wouldn�t subject other people to myself, especially not for extended periods of time.

written at 10:24 p.m.

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