; J.Gan

2009-02-03 : The Interesting Incident of Misinterpreted Feelings
I think I saw rachel tan on the mrt today, reading a book, and that reminded me that I used to like her, which resulted in rather a lot of thinking.. And I came to the conclusion that I didn�t really like her so much as I did admire her for who she was.

I'm actually blushing as I write this entry. I'm blushing at a computer screen! It's embarrassing and fascinating at the same time! Especially since I never blush.

But I digress. I wanted to say that there are more female people who I admire than there are male people.

Interesting, eh. Also, the author sincerely hopes that the contents of this entry never make their way to the sensory nerves of anyone mentioned in this blog entry.

In other news, rachel tan is even prettier than she was when I was purported to have liked her. Good makeup and better hair! It's an upgrade!

written at 7:14 p.m.

- - 2012-04-23
- - 2012-04-20
- - 2012-02-28
Wistful - 2012-01-22
- - 2012-01-20