; J.Gan

2008-10-06 : man with a plan.
There are people who watch out for other people, and there are people who only do so for themselves. There are careless people, and people who plan carefully. There are people who are self-absorbed, and those who are not.

Those who are careless could also be called happy-go-lucky, but the meaning is the same; they do not plan very far ahead in advance. They trust things will work out.

I know I plan too much, but sometimes I'm irritated by the way things just seem to 'work out' for those people. Is it purely by chance? Is it because they are favourably looked upon by lady luck? Perhaps they have good karma, or the gods protect them, or whatever you wish to attribute it to. Nonetheless, they get along, and quite well too.

It's moderately irritating, particularly because I'm rather neurotic about planning nowadays.

Oh fine, I know the answer. They wait for the problem to arise, and then tackle it. Yes, it works most of the time. But if you ask me, it's like driving two car-lengths away from the guy in front of you on the expressway; 99.99% of the time he'll drive normally, but 0.01% of the time, some taxi driver from the next lane who's falling asleep will drift into his lane, and he'll be forced to brake suddenly. There's no way you can go from 90km/h to 0km/h in 2 car-lengths. (just look at the taxi behind the lexus that we saw that day! And it wouldn't be the first, the fiftieth, or even the thousandth time an accident has happened that way.)

Okay, the point of the very long paragraph was to say that you'll have an accident 0.01% of the time that you can't stop with reaction. And even though it's just 0.01% of the time, maybe 10% of those accidents will be serious. And even though you can say, "it wasn't my fault! It was the guy in front of me!" you'll still be 100% injured, to put it bluntly.

What I'm trying to say is that many things in life can be prevented with some anticipation. Which many people seem to have none of. I've noticed that many happy-go-lucky people have rich parents, or a lot of time, or something like that. Basically many resources, which allows for carelessness.

The original point of this entry was to say that I don't know how these people can live that way, but I suppose it's sort of turned into a complaining entry.

Am also irritated because I look out for my friends, and they don't seem to appreciate it. Am wondering whether to stop looking out for them. But I'm a good person, right? Then again, it doesn't count for much to be a good person, clearly shown by how these people are getting along fine.

Am strongly considering, and will probably, stop looking out for them and see what happens. Am just waiting for that 0.01% to see if it ever happens.

I don't know how some of these people are going to be doctors, really. But who am I to judge, hmm?

Just irritated. Very irritated. By a combination of factors.

Also, when I said to jojo a while ago that I was sad about being single and she said that I had no right to be sad because there was nobody I liked, I wished at the time to say that just because there wasn't anybody I liked didn�t meant that I didn't have the right to be sad about being single. Not having anyone to like is a valid reason for being sad too.

So there.

written at 9:34 p.m.

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