; J.Gan

2008-09-14 : Swim baby swim
IFG Swimming was yesterday. Med won the silver for overall! I'm so proud of the team and our sneaky strategization. Holding so many IFG sports on the same day really puts small facs like Med at a disadvantage.

We were lucky, though, most of the swimmers we needed didn't sign up for other sports. Whoever organized it also gave small faculties like ours some help, since they heavily restricted the number of people each faculty could send for each event. 2 people per event, which we had about enough people for.

Our guys came in overall 2nd, and the girls came in overall 3rd! And we only sent about 14 people. Nice, eh?

This year I made a resolution to get off my butt and do stuff that I've always wanted to do but never had the confidence to. Organizing something like this was one of them. I'm far from being the best leader, but I think I did okay. =)

Anyway, I have no regrets about volunteering as guys' captain. It was great, if slightly stressful, (given my adversity/inability to take chances) but thankfully I had lots of help along the way. (from people like xizhen, bryon, yi liang and others. )

Getting off my butt felt rather good overall. Now, if I can just learn to relax and plan less.

written at 11:17 p.m.

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