; J.Gan

2008-09-03 : -
Actually, I don�t have much to write here nowadays, because as far as my memory is concerned, my school week could be one day or five days long, and my brain would still remember it as a single long stretch.

I really can't remember what happened on what day, or whether I had the Japanese food from the new Japanese food store this Monday or last; or anything similar. It seems that whenever I come out of the LT my brain's really fuzzy, and everything just gets jumbled up.

I think if I ate the same food everyday for two weeks, by the time the third week arrived I would have no idea what week it was. Because that's exactly what happened when I went vegetarian for awhile, I honestly couldn�t tell what week of school it was.

So much so that I thought this week was the third week of school.

Anyway, school is exciting.

My heart is extremely hungry.

written at 1:23 a.m.

- - 2012-04-23
- - 2012-04-20
- - 2012-02-28
Wistful - 2012-01-22
- - 2012-01-20