; J.Gan

2008-08-31 : Charmed
I was recently reminded that I lead a charmed life. One time was at NTUC, when we were buying groceries, and we saw this round, discus-shaped fruit bar. The other time was when I asked someone was going for DnD and the person said no. And then the person said 'it's rather expensive, isn't it?' and I was surprised for the first time in recent memory.

If you could rank people in order of fortune like you could with academic prowess, I'd probably be somewhere in the top 10% of the country. Which would be a rather considerable achievement either way.

Anyway my train of thought has been sort of derailed, no thanks to some show I'm watching, but basically, I'm not taking all this stuff for granted =)

written at 10:01 p.m.

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