; J.Gan

2008-08-21 : Pop! Goes my brain
So, I did med partly because I couldn't see myself doing something like engineering or maths, which required large amounts of lengthy calculations.

And this year, we have cofm. What is cofm? They call it community, occupational and family medicine, but it's actually a cover for, get ready for it... Lots and lots of math and statistics.

Today in the cofm lecture on Measures of Risk and Association, my brain was slowly but steadily filling up with statistics that I couldn�t understand. I thought my head would explode.

Anyway I've just managed to wrap my brain around the concepts. They say learning before bedtime is the most productive, so I hope I wake up tomorrow with most of the stuff still in my brain.


I've somehow been surviving on 6 hours of sleep a night and have still been paying attention in the lectures. Looks like I've leveled up in the sleep-requirement department! Hurhur. This is assuming of course, that you don't find me sick within the next few days, since these things have a tendency to sneak up on you.

Medschool is so fun. Oh so fun.

written at 12:01 a.m.

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