; J.Gan

2008-08-09 : ragged
I am rather tired. Have also discovered that I am capable of functioning normally when I look half dead. Arrived in school this morning, having woken up at 6.50, only to find that instead of having to be there at 830am, i could have come two hours later, because rag had been pushed back two hours.

At two A.M. in the morning. Said person then informed abhi, who probably groaned and sent an email to everyone as quickly as possible. Unfortunately I was sleeping already, because I had expected to have to wake up early.

Apparently, whoever it was who changed the time did it because it was raining extremely heavily around that time. Said person�s was afraid that it would continue raining up to and beyond the time that rag was supposed to start at, hence the urgent communiqu� pushing rag back two hours.

I suppose they needed the time to move the stuff to the field and stuff. unfortunate.

We didn't win rag this year either, sadly. The pharmacy float with its mammoth tank turrets blasted our hopes into the middle of next week. Have to admit, theirs was really eye-catching, though.

Okay off to bed. Rag was fun. One-line summary. The end.

written at 12:53 a.m.

- - 2012-04-23
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Wistful - 2012-01-22
- - 2012-01-20