; J.Gan

2008-06-13 : hogging the limelight
Yesterday I managed to own jojo at Spotlight with the power of The Spotlight Card. Bwahaha. Normally I'm mild-mannered jon gan, but at spotlight, I become... VIP Card Man!

Getting more discounts than a regular customer... More privileges than an unprivileged commoner.. Is it a bird.. Is it a plane..? No! It's VIP CARD MAN!

Apparently the VIP card gets you a significant discount on certain items. Like 30%! How owning is that. Unfortunately somehow jojo was good at choosing items that weren't discounted, so the total discount was like 3 bucks off a total of 35 SGD. Oh well, better than nothing, and her expression was priceless.

It was like o.0 omgwtfbbq I am pwned by gan at SPOTLIGHT?! OMG!!11~!!!1

Anyway you had to be there to see it. It was a good day, we went to Queensway too, and the shoes are shall we say extremely gentle on the wallet.

Okay. End of entry, you can leave now. No speculation about Joanna and I please -.- This is especially applicable to jiejun, edwin and lynette. NO SPECULATION/RUMOURS/INSINUATIONS/ETC WILL BE TOLERATED! THIS ENTRY HAS NOTHING TO DO WHATSOEVER WITH THE PREVIOUS ENTRY.


written at 11:06 p.m.

- - 2012-04-23
- - 2012-04-20
- - 2012-02-28
Wistful - 2012-01-22
- - 2012-01-20