; J.Gan

2008-06-10 : A monumental Day!
Today is a monumental day and the occasion must be documented. My mother just essentially asked me why I don't have a girlfriend, and to get one. 'as long as I don't make her a grandmother'.

I am in disbelief.

In other news, I'm now being paid to stalk doctors. The initial job description was something like 'get paid to follow doctors around!' which I thought was really great, since it'd be like a hospital attachment, except that you get paid for it.

After my first day on the job, I have concluded that I was willfully misled by the email, which said nothing about how weird it would be to follow some poor doctor around for an entire day, noting down exactly what they do.

It's nothing like a hospital attachment. If you're lucky, your shadowee will let you see some interesting stuff like a cataract, or a hole burned through someone's iris to relieve pressure. If you're unlucky, your doctor might tell you to act invisible or something, which, according to the Office, is what we're supposed to be.

Our motto is 'observe without being observed'. As physician observers, we rigidly uphold the standards required of our station! We sneak like shadows. We adhere to the alleys! We dodge into doorways. We invis like invisibles.

The pay is good, considering that we don't do any real work, but it's boring as heck. I'm not going to do much of this stuff, even if the pay IS good. It's seriously boring, and awkward to follow someone around.

My first doctor sounded rather pissy in the morning, but she turned out to be quite nice. I suppose early morning meetings without breakfast aren't the best of circumstances during which to be reminded that you're going to be stalked for the rest of your workday.

Observers unite!

written at 10:37 p.m.

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