; J.Gan

2008-04-20 : make or break
I think I'm a sucky person. It's after exams, and I have no idea what to do with the enormous 3 months that I have. Do I go learn martial arts? Study?

The bad thing about studying intensively for a few months in preparation for exams is that once the exams are over, I have this enormous void of time in my day which I have no idea what to do with.

I suppose I could do as jojo suggests and do basal level activity, but is that really what a two-month-long break is meant to be used for? I think not! I guess the best way to use it would be to learn something, or go traveling.

At this point I see nothing that will allow me to look back in future and say that I spent my last days of freedom without regret. Argh. Maybe I will take some money and go on a month-long backpacking journey through the backwaters of Timbuctu or the alleys of Amsterdam or something.

I want to use this holiday well. Should've started planning this earlier, eh gan? Lesson learnt.

written at 11:04 p.m.

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