; J.Gan

2008-03-29 : Just another day.
Mmh. Although it's not a lot of work, I managed to cover about a third of GIT today. I spent the entire morning bumming around the house, so at least the day wasn't a TOTAL washout.

Unfortunately I have nothing interesting to write here, mostly because I've been doing almost nothing but mug and mug, which sort of destroys my creative spirit. It's not all bad, though, I have a feeling I'll soon suppress my fun creative spirit so much that mugging will be entirely bearable.

Of course, the bad thing about that is usually when that happens I become a very antisocial little boy for about half a year and almost don�t talk to anyone at all over that course of time. It's happened before, except that time it was for about 4 years.

Which is not that bad, considering that in medicine nobody really ever talks much to anyone else anyway, other than to ask a question like "which knee collateral ligament is outside the joint capsule?" or "do you have the TYS/past year exam questions for physio?", or even, in my particular case, "do you want to dota?" (which is often abbreviated to 'dota?')

So you can see that on a normal day, nobody talks to anybody else much. As a result, it's not really that hard to go around as an antisocialite. (is that the word?)


Hoho the look on the guy's face in Juno is priceless when she tells him that she's pregnant.

I wonder what my expression would be if my girlfriend told me she was pregnant. I think it would be somewhere between 'zomg!!!!' and 'zomggg!'.

Fortunately, I don�t have a girlfriend, so it's rather unlikely that I'll be on the receiving end of an incredible whammy like that anytime soon.

I'd love to see my expression if it ever happens, though. From previous experience, my expressions when, I'm not aware of them, are always rather entertaining.

written at 9:26 p.m.

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