; J.Gan

2008-01-16 : Planetary Chaos Day
Today has been a most trying day.

First, left for the 1030am anat tutorial at 0925, giving 10 mins allowance in case of mishaps. Except that the tutorial wasn�t at 1030, it was at 1000. Thanks to Chance (lol it's a pun), I found out about 5 mins before the tutorial started. If he hadn't called I would probably have strolled into tutorial without the requisite I-just-ran-all-the-way-up slightly-out-of-breath expression on my face, which would probably have result in Prof Voon going nuclear on my sorry ass.

As it was, he didn't kill me, but he didn't let me go without a rap on the knuckles either.

At least I was able to make up for it by answering some of his questions and participating. Although you might be able to chalk that up to the adrenaline still running in my veins at the time. The moment Chance told me that I was late, I immediately changed music to the fastest stuff I had. Adrenaline rush!

Then I had to wait all the way until 430 for malay class, when lessons ended around 130. I spent the time trying to study in the anat museum.

Both the zen and the music stick went dead on me, having run out of battery. Amazing.

In any case, thanks to jojo I found out something rather disturbing, which didn't help my inability to study any. And now chance says that he knows too.

And now I have to type some stupid document, the written copy of which is full of illegible writing and cancellations that defy any attempt to type fast through contextual analysis and reading ahead.

Basically, not a good day.

written at 8:03 p.m.

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