; J.Gan

2007-12-24 : wow.
So, as you know, I�ve been playing WoW on this bootleg Malaysian server.

Last night I went to bed after a hard day�s work, after leveling another character to level 70! Took me two days of grinding, but it was worth it. I even pimped him out with a nice flying mount (which turns purple and ethereal when he�s in shadowform, and it looks really cool) and other nice stuff (like a broomstick), and tweaked his skills.

And basically spent a lot of time on him.

And this afternoon I came back to find out that the server was under maintenance. That�s okay right. I then realized it was past the maintenance time and I still couldn�t log in, so I checked the forums, to find this undreadable piece of malay:


Despite all my malay classes I have no idea what it says, so I spend a bit of time with an online dictionary and find out that it�s got something to do with a closed server and a restore to a database that�s from 12th December.

I am quite pissed. Especially because my other character was created on the 13th.


Anyway. It�s not THAT important, just rather irritating.

Perhaps it�s a sign from above to stop playing WoW.

written at 6:05 p.m.

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Wistful - 2012-01-22
- - 2012-01-20