; J.Gan

2007-12-07 : exams ovah
Well, it feels like exams are over and yet not like exams are over. I know why, it�s because we only had three days of exams. Hmm. Considering the amount of time we all invested in this exam, I�m sure there isn�t anyone who doesn�t expect due returns.

Okay, that wasn�t really what I expected to type. Actually I was going to type that it should feel like exams are over, considering the effort we put into this test.

I was watching something as I typed that, so it�s not really surprising that it turned out that way, is it? I�ve stopped watching for now so that I can type properly.

I now have a very strong urge to go clubbing.

And basically do fun stuff that allows me to release all the pent-up energy inside of me. Perhaps it�s not really energy. I guess you could call it an accumulated feeling of sian-ness. Gotta find someone to go clubbing with. Or do fun stuff with. I think I�ll need about 3 days of full fun, spaced apart, to fully recover.

Oh yes, and I finally know what working my brain at max capacity means.

written at 10:07 p.m.

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