; J.Gan

2007-09-28 : social knives hurt your feelings.
You know how they say �be careful what you wish for, cos you just might get it?� I�ve wished for it, and I�m sort of starting to get it, and it isn�t all good, but I still want more.

Okay it�s farrr from being all good. But anyway I guess the point here is that you should be careful what you wish for.

Wishing for something is like writing a gp essay, you have to explore all the possibilities.

This entry is becoming really random.

I think I�m going to start going back to being more antisocial. Maybe not more antisocial, but just less social on a sincere level? I don�t know. It�s suprising how clique-ish people here are, and many times trying to hard just brings you to grief. It�s not really worth it.

I should have seen it coming, but even so it�s like I just ran into it. The social equivalent of a knife.

Wow this is really starting to sound emo. I think I may have a knack for this sort of thing.

written at 8:23 p.m.

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Wistful - 2012-01-22
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