; J.Gan

2007-09-21 : hall
You wouldn�t believe how close a hall room lets you get to nature.

My room�s right beside the forested area, so occasionally a few mozzies will fly into my room and stage guerilla attacks on my leg veins while I�m studying or using the computer. The worst thing is they�re smart enough not to attack when I look at my legs trying to catch them.

It�s all good though, sooner or later all of them get bored of my legs, and ever since I smeared insect repellant under the table they always bite once or twice, then come up to my arms for dessert, and then WHAM! They�re pancaked.

It�s always rather satisfying to squish a mozzie and see all the blood.

In the mornings the problem is instead bees; the toilet seems to be a gathering-place for bees, they�ll crawl on the lights and make erratic flights, and when you�re naked and showering it�s quite disturbing to think that bees could just fly into you and sting you.

In certain exposed areas. Yes.

I�m confined this week because home is being renovated.

written at 9:24 p.m.

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