; J.Gan

2007-09-04 : madical school
Me plus you equals weaction.

My timetable this week is really really good. I ended at 11am today. Tomorrow I finish at 6pm. Gotta love it, finish PBL just in time to run up to KE for dinner.

I almost didn�t make it to the starting line of the Great Rush To Get Good Seats In The LT (250m) today. The alarm woke me up and twice I almost went back to sleep. Was saved by an sms though =)

The GRTGGSITL starts when you wake up. Make your way to the toilet and Shower in freezing water! Next, make your way down the Treacherous Steps to the Dining Hall where you must solve the Breakfast Puzzle (can I take beehoon and a bun? No? how many slices max? can I take bread with a sandwich?) before you can proceed to school!

It�s so exciting.

Okay, not really.

For rent, one heart. Break it, play with its strings, make it melt, make it ache, keep it forever, give it back when you�re done, keep a small bit inside your own heart forever.

written at 7:31 p.m.

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