; J.Gan

2007-08-19 : Prepare for hyperspeed, mister spock.
Ahh yes back to the daily grind. I just love the smell of overloaded grey matter in the morning. Like the other morning when SamuelTay started his lecture.

The blood cells move out of the capillary walls, he said. They move out by DIAPEDESIS! D-I-A-P-E-D-E-S-I-S. And because he said it so fast it took me two seconds to actually process what he had said. And then! Before I had time to actually write it down he gleefully started on another copiable sentence.

And this continued roughly throughout the whole lecture, and near the end he exclaimed that he was confident that all of us had read through the lecture before hand and were prepared so he could go that much faster.

Imagine our faces.


And he started ranting on again at lightspeed, much to the delight of the RJ students who were by this time starting to undergo the first stage of Copious Notuscopyus withdrawal.

Without warning, he ended his lecture, leaving me feeling like I had been on a bullet train on which someone had pulled the emergency break without warning.

And oh yes we�ve met our Great Teachers! They don�t take things lying down. Or over their dead bodies. Okay a really bad joke there.

written at 10:50 p.m.

- - 2012-04-23
- - 2012-04-20
- - 2012-02-28
Wistful - 2012-01-22
- - 2012-01-20