; J.Gan

2007-07-12 : I'm a bum.
Not being in the army is sort of a bad thing. I sleep late, so I end up waking up late, feeling lethargic and going to bed late again. So I�m not getting anything done! Oh no.

Okay this weekend I must actually go out and get Stuff done. I need a proper bag, pencil case, handphone, and a few other things which I will remember later.

I suppose all the army guys reading this will feel a strong urge to BCCT me.

Okay I�m off to finish my book!

written at 7:30 p.m.

- - 2012-04-23
- - 2012-04-20
- - 2012-02-28
Wistful - 2012-01-22
- - 2012-01-20