; J.Gan

2007-03-16 : Anime FTW!
I confess. I�ve become addicted to anime, in pretty much the same way that you guys out there are addicted to Jap/Korean/whatever new asian country is exporting drama�s drama serials.

Why not drama serials? Well, firstly I�m watching to improve my Jap, (okay okay I admit it, not improve, LEARN.) and the people in anime speak much more slowly =) Secondly, anime looks better. The colours are vibrant, the backgrounds are fantastic, and I don�t have to worry about whether the main characters are pretty or handsome, they�re animated! (also, I won�t dream about female anime leads, unlike female drama serial leads. Pretend you didn�t read that.) Anime looks better on my LCD.

Hence, my NEW EXTERNAL HDD (whoohoo!) is largely storing anime. Some of it�s much better than drama serials storyline-wise, (especially since drama serials tend to follow the same tired plot ideas. Meet. Argue. Get to like each other. Die in tragic circumstances/Live happily ever after. Get fantastgormastically fantabulous leads.) since there isn�t really much the animators can do in the way of eye candy.

Of course, there�s fanservice, featuring many panty shots, impossible DD cups on petite girls bouncing all over the place, etc etc, which I could honestly do without. I guess that counts as eye candy.

But personally I think that if you can look past the animated multicoloured impossible gravity-defying hairstyles and watch anime for the story, it really does have something to offer you.

Wow. The skeleton for a GP essay on alternative art. New category of arts question in your next GP test, anybody?

Back to Air.

Met someone interesting today.

written at 10:14 p.m.

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