; J.Gan

2007-01-03 : First Entry, 2007. Whoopee.
Strangely enough, it costs me less to get home from work than it costs me to get there; 5 cents less, to be exact. I wonder why. Perhaps the Powers that Be decided that the demand to go home was less than the demand to go to work? Hence they decided to price Going to Work higher than Going Home. Or maybe it�s because Going to Work makes you money, while Going Home doesn�t, so you can afford to pay more?

Or maybe� Maybe aliens came at night to see how developed the humans were getting and got fascinated with our contactless payment systems and hacked into the system to fool around a bit and see how sophisticated the systems really were, but forgot the time and as a result had to rush home, leaving the system in a bit of disarray, resulting in small discrepancies like those experienced by yours truly. =) (that�s a 69-word sentence, by the way.)

OR MAYBE�. MAYBE�. JUST MAYBE� I�m really bored and weird ideas are floating around my head.

Work is fun. I have a fantastic solution that allows me to perform my job without fail, and it doesn�t take any of my dwindling brain power! Whenever I have a problem, I just think, �What would Sam do?� and presto, instant power woman solution. Like if the door is locked, just think those magic words, and the solution appears in your head; get the keys! Duh. My bad. Nice save, Sam.

I don�t think Sam is going to see this, but I think this is strangely turning into something with a rather mocking tone when I wasn�t intending it to. JJ you better not tell Sam about this. I think she�ll get angry and then she won�t even have to think �what would Sam do?� because she�d be Sam and I�d get my butt kicked faster than you can say �what would Sam do?�

Awmigod I am stealing my own frickin� cash! Can you believe that we have to put 20% of our salary into CPF. Stealing from myself. The most difficult thing to do, next to playing chess with yourself, but the Gahmen makes it possible ;) Okay I guess this is more like snatch-thefting from yourself.

This entry is getting too long, so before it gets out of hand (and into what, one wonders. Into air? Into foot? English doesn�t make sense.) I�ll end it right here.

Oh and my new year resolution is 1024x768. Sorry, geek joke.

written at 9:39 p.m.

- - 2012-04-23
- - 2012-04-20
- - 2012-02-28
Wistful - 2012-01-22
- - 2012-01-20