; J.Gan

2006-10-29 : -
Shockingly yours truly is not having tech withdrawal symptoms from not using the computer much these few days. I guess the A level potential just overrides the computer potential huh. However I HAVE been getting the strange emotional emptiness that feels like my metaphorical emotional stomach is totally empty. I guess I need to feed on somebody�s emotions, sink my metaphorical fangs into somebody�s metaphorical jugular vein and feast on the tasty flood of emotions within.

That�s too much metaphor for a science student. We don�t usually deal much with metaphor, and if we try so much, we get our metaphorical asses handed to us on a metaphorical plate!

Anyway I think I�m gonna have metaphysical eyebags if I don�t go sleep now. Goodnight.

give me a LITTLE try

written at 10:54 p.m.

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- - 2012-02-28
Wistful - 2012-01-22
- - 2012-01-20