; J.Gan

2006-09-20 : Superhero Startup Part I
Being a superhero must involve a helluva lot of startup cost.. I guess that�s what prevents there being lots of superheroes around; significant barriers to entry. Like Batman, for example. I wonder what it�d cost to make a mask with glowing white eye-covers that change shape according to your expression? Cool huh. And the costume? I bet they have incredible wear and tear on those things. How do you get your costume to last when you get thrown through buildings on a daily basis?

I suppose you could order your costume in bulk. But then there�d be a record of who you are. You know how things are nowadays. Unless you show up carrying a lot of cash, how in the world would you pay for your costumes without leaving a trail? And anyway, the amount of cash you�d need would be rather prohibitive. 10,000 superman costumes, anybody?

Anyway, guess what my inspiration for this entry was..? Hehhehheh.

Now I REALLY should be off to prepare for my last paper. Bio MCQ rocks.

written at 6:13 p.m.

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