; J.Gan

2006-07-17 : High there, everybody!
Gah. Today started out sort of crappily. I�m a person who runs on confidence so today was really a major stab in the brain. I think the second I got back my GP I started writhing on the table and screaming to myself silently. I barely passed, which is a real shocker. I mean, it�s one of my better subjects!

Anyway. You should see my *fingerquotes* essay. It�s a bloodbath. The marker killed my essay in the slowest, most painful way possible, by tearing apart each line with a sharp-tipped pen and everywhere you look on my paper there�s red blood ink! Holy friggin cucumber sandwiches. It looks like something was killed and carved up and my paper was used as the chopping board.

Needless, but I shall reiterate, my essay has been systematically and brutally been eviscerated, disemboweled, with the simultaneous manifestation of crimson splotches of red.

If you could see the wound in my heart, you�d see great effusions of confidence emanating forth. Confidence -10. Confidence -11. Confidence -7.


On the other hand, I discovered today that my range has once again expanded (thank you gods) and I have 3 full octaves of range, from the standard bass G, all the way 3 octaves up, to the one immediately below Sop high C#. I would say this is a high point, but that should be obvious shouldn�t it? Literally and figuratively! Damn, that�s worth at least a +10 to confidence.

written at 10:05 p.m.

- - 2012-04-23
- - 2012-04-20
- - 2012-02-28
Wistful - 2012-01-22
- - 2012-01-20