; J.Gan

2006-06-04 : gah.
This announcement is proudly paid for and brought to you by the Anti-Muggers Association. Here it comes�

Studying Sucks.

Yup, that was it. Stay tuned for more exciting announcements from various fictitious, fraudulent and (perhaps) frumpy organizations!

No seriously, it does suck. The sheer volume of stuff we have to revise is mind-blowing. Sometimes it feels like my brain is in information overload. Like there�s too much stuff being stuffed in. gah. As my mother says, I have a low capacity for work.

That would imply that I have low energy! Because work is distance x energy. Of course it could be that I have low distance, but that just doesn�t make sense.

Here, have an Italian lesson!
Dove sono I servizi? (doh-veh soh-noh ee sehr-vee-tsee) means where are the bathrooms?

Went to the PC show yesterday. They were selling the zen vision: m for 500 bucks instead of the normal 600 it goes for. Was sorely tempted to buy. But I think I�ll hold out for a PSP until after �A�s. haha I am such a poor deprived child who had no childhood. Hence the sudden manifestation of desires for childish toys.

On the same track, I have obtained a Mew in Pokemon Blue. Bow down to me everyone for I am the 1337 5up3r h4xx0r! I will pwn all n00bs!!!111!

Blame mugging for my destroyed psyche.

written at 5:44 p.m.

- - 2012-04-23
- - 2012-04-20
- - 2012-02-28
Wistful - 2012-01-22
- - 2012-01-20