; J.Gan

2005-11-07 : Ssc blog trouble
About the SSC-people-getting-in-to-trouble-over-blogs thing.. I think both parties are kinda wrong actually. Now now, don�t flame me! It�s a matter of perspective. Like if you password your blog, people shouldn�t hack in and then complain about what you wrote, because obviously by passwording something you�re trying to prevent people who don�t have the password from getting in. I mean, it�s a matter of courtesy. And anyway in a court of law you�d be unable to use evidence from someone�s hacked blog because you�d need a warrant and everything to get in in the first place�

But I digress.

So it was wrong for certain coaches to hack in and read the blog, but I suppose we could try to complain less about certain people or just complain to our friends instead..? (Like at breakfast after training over hot, steaming, crispy waffles with lots of butter and maple syrup with a cup of milo. Mmm�)

Yeh. But then again I don�t see as much of you-know-who as you guys so I�m bound to be slightly more tolerant.. Haha. Anyway.

Sometimes I wonder if there�s such a thing as �boyfriend material�. Like how some people seem to be perpetually attached? I don�t know. There�s a lot I could write here, but if there�s such a thing, I am definitely not �boyfriend material�. Maybe because I don�t even know what sort of person I want in the first place? But experience tells me I�d probably need someone intellectually stimulating who�s a bit on the nuts side� Or I�d be bored sooner or later.

I think sometimes it would be interesting to be less perceptive and curious. And not tire of stuff so easily. I mean, I can�t even play DotA once every 2 days without getting bored! That sort of thing. And I like DotA. I don�t know. I shall have to work hard and pull up my maths! Ok that was so totally nolink.


written at 8:32 p.m.

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