; J.Gan

2005-09-26 : GAHHH!!!
[update]Okay I managed to get the internet back up to normal. Realised that one microfilter was faulty and the other wasn�t (apparently, although I tried both just now and it was still messed up) so I put the faulty one on the room phone and the (supposedly) working one on the modem extension. And it�s back up to full speed. Now if only Skill A, C & D were that simple. [/update]

What more could anyone ask for so close to promos? Internet which is screwing itself up by connecting at half-speed, answer schemes which make absolutely no mention whatsoever of mark allocation and a brain which leaks information!

If only screaming at everything would just fix stuff and make it go the way it is. Ah yes. My na�ve perfect-world scenario. The washing machine�s spoilt? Just get someone to scream at it. Didn�t work? Get a choir member. I�m sure their scream will carry sufficient power (Distance x Time) to fix it. =)

Then nobody would need workmen. Just choir people. And everyone would be able to fix their stuff to some extent. Like say you can remember the differences between competitive and non-competitive inhibition? Just read the notes again, stand in front of the mirror and scream at yourself to remember the goddamn notes! Then go for exams and get As.

Wow this world is starting to sound pretty good.

I see only one possible flaw, if you lose your voice, you wouldn�t be able to fix it yourself.

written at 3:42 p.m.

- - 2012-04-23
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- - 2012-02-28
Wistful - 2012-01-22
- - 2012-01-20