; J.Gan

2005-07-10 : Creatures on the MRT
Creatures You May Meet On The MRT

Creature #3: The Flatular Inaudibular, long infamous for its �silent but deadly� nature. Dear reader, please beware long journeys on trains. Invariably, there will be an old man (or perhaps some young person) who will be unable to retain his or her *ahem* gas (5Hp every second, reducing to zero as gas disperses) , and let it loose for the benefit of their carriage. The person who has let off the gas will (very skillfully) act as though nothing has happened, and the rest of the train will make virtually no comment. Alas, in their attempt to retain a dignified posture, your fellow commuters will be smelling (in its foul glory) the full fragrance. Please, condescend to cover your nose so that you will not suffer this fate. Unfortunately, such creatures are on trains at all times and there is no way you can avoid them.

Monster #58: Foodinmouthous Fineignorus. Creatures who sit on the seats eating or drinking, heedless of the �Eating and Drinking Not Allowed� signs hanging above their heads. A rare sight on trains due to the hefty fine awaiting those who are caught, but nonetheless visible every now and then. There is ALWAYS one whose hunger is sharp enough to warrant the consumption of chocolate or whose thirst MUST be quenched by a sip of the coke in their hand. Usually found late at night.

Do not bother to attack with [Moral Appeal] or other similar attacks, as these creatures have developed immunity. Until a better attack is found, engage in the defensive measure of avoiding peanut shells and other debris left by these creatures. Do not slip or you will lose health. (0-40HP)

Currently, the only vocation able to subdue a Foodinmouthous Fineignorus is the Vocation MRTSTAFF, who have the indirect attack Fine. This attack does not miss, doing damage instantly to the species� mana. (Mana -500) This loss in mana is sufficient to deter the creature from feeding further in most instances.

Creature #121: Odorswhich Nokuwout. A species which have never heard of Deodorant. These creatures of the community are challenged in terms of olfactorily, and as such appear unable to smell their own stench. This species may be found in the evening on a crowded train. Please use a handkerchief (Armor +2) or tissue (Armor +1) to cover your nose discreetly.


Sorry. I couldn�t resist. But seriously, these people are irritating. I was originally going to write this entry as peeves#1 -#3, but the MMORPG portion of my brain sort of hijacked the rest of the brain� So you see this thing instead =(.


written at 10:06 p.m.

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