; J.Gan

2005-03-10 : 17!
Haha actually I don�t really remember my birthday. It�s rather odd isn�t it? I used to wait all year while the elusive birthday waited many months off.. But now that I don�t look for it anymore it creeps up behind me� And when I�m not prepared it strikes! �screams-

CG15 was very nice. Our that group of friends (who seem to be referred to as �the clique� by ourselves) bought me a cake! �looks very shocked-. They went during civics and suddenly started singing when I was talking to Joanne. They came from nowhere! Haha love them.

Seriously though, I was rather paiseh.

Thanks for the card, Bern! This is a formal thank-you. And thanks to everyone else who wished me happy birthday. Thank you kat. Haha I haven�t mentioned most people because they don�t read my blog? Yeap but if you see this and you wished me, thank you =)

Seems like this birthday has kicked the negativity out for the time being! I shall be happy for as long as possible. Haha. And next week are the HOLIDAYS! Whee.

Now I am seventeen. Hooray.

written at 9:49 p.m.

- - 2012-04-23
- - 2012-04-20
- - 2012-02-28
Wistful - 2012-01-22
- - 2012-01-20