; J.Gan

2004-11-14 : -
The good side about after 'O's is that on the very same sunday of our last paper, i'm [not telling!]!

Isn't that cool. Now I have one less week to worry about what to do.

I wonder what the border guards will say when they see my large collection of un-original burned cds?

Perhaps it's better not to wonder.

You know all those stars who worked as strippers and such before they were famous? I wonder what happened to the people who knew them? I mean, like what happens if you're at this movie premiere and this person shouts to ask if you remember them from that stripper job?

Oh well.

6 more papers. *yawn*

written at 5:58 p.m.

- - 2012-04-23
- - 2012-04-20
- - 2012-02-28
Wistful - 2012-01-22
- - 2012-01-20