; J.Gan

2004-11-11 : -
If i had three wishes, what would i wish for?
Friends, Friends, and Five Million Dollars.

I think i'll be really bored after 'O's? I have nobody to go out with. And nothing to do. I think i'll probably become buck-toothed with thick specs and crawl creepily on the streets.


Dreams are better than reality. If it's a good dream, it leaves you with this really great feeling inside. If it's bad, you can always wake up. But none of my dreams are bad. Anything's better than this.

What's the difference between a dream and reality? The truth is there is none. It just happened so that your dream is short and your reality a whole day long.

I'd rather live in dreams. I think i'm too naive to live in reality. I mean, i actually thought some people had a nice side to them! Like woah, that was totally wrong.

But anyway. I think i'll go do some extreme sport after 'O's and if i die having fun i'll have no regrets. Win-win situation.

written at 9:05 a.m.

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