; J.Gan

2004-04-28 : -
This update comes hot on the heels of the last update, even though there�re 2 tests tmr. Just have some thoughts I need to get off my mind�

The previous entry was about love yeah? Yeah, I just realized something� When you�re on the outside looking in on other people, it�s quite fun sometimes cos� people will tell you stuff that they won�t tell others� Yeah then you can be a friend, and just listen, and give advice etc�

But if you�re involved, nobody�s going to tell you anything� If they�re unhappy with you, they�re not going to tell you� You can only hope your other friends will tell you what�s wrong� Sigh.

I think it�s much the same with friends� Like sometimes you�re pissed with someone, and you just dao that person or something� But if you do that, sometimes the person doesn�t know what�s happening� I guess friendships can be lost that way�

Hmm. I wanted to have more friends� But apparently life throws obstacles in your way quite often, and there�s no way to escape them�


Ahh. I passed my first chem. test of the year. 14.5 upon 25! Whoohoo! I am so damn satisfied. Decided to try and pull my chem. up to a1 standard� Haha. Hope I can do it.


Sigh I dunno. Feeling odd right now. Hmm� Dunno.

I'm just so afraid of losing friends... Call me insecure, but I treasure friends a lot...

written at 6:37 p.m.

- - 2012-04-23
- - 2012-04-20
- - 2012-02-28
Wistful - 2012-01-22
- - 2012-01-20