; J.Gan

2006-12-31 : Farewell.
Well, that�s it, the end of my time in VJChoir. I don�t feel sad yet, but knowing me I�m just experiencing emotional lag. So I�ll probably feel sad sometime today or tomorrow. Haha. Time to get all those photos printed� My temporary escape from reality.

It�s sad knowing that even if I join chorale it�ll never be the same feeling as in VJChoir. VJChoir was my life for 2 years� I put it above everything else. Sleep, sickness, studies, external social life, everything. I guess I�ll be feeling kinda at loose ends soon�

Anyway. About the video, I�m kind of satisfied with it, considering the amount of time I had to work with. It would have been nice to have time for an additional 5 minutes of film so I could have made a nice 11 minute video which would have made everyone cry. Yes, I confess, that was the aim. To make all of you go teary-eyed. I don�t think it worked, but since I only had half the time, perhaps youall went half-teary-eyed? Like maybe cried from one eye, or were halfway to crying, I don�t know.

Anyway. One more video to add to my portfolio; �farewell video in 5 hours, excluding rendering�

Take care, everyone.

written at 5:19 p.m.

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Wistful - 2012-01-22
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