; J.Gan

2005-11-16 : I.need.a.haircut
Haha if I pull my fringe down it almost touches my eyebrows.

5 ways to tell your hair is too long:

1. It takes half an hour to dry.
2. You try to comb it, but lose hold of the comb and can�t find it anywhere.
3. You�ve used half a can of wax, and it still looks like you just washed your hair!
4. Children look at you and ask �are you Chewbacca?�
5. The barber tries to give you a trim and his shaver chokes and dies.

I really don�t like getting my hair cut. Especially at the end when the guy takes a razor and shaves off all the little bits of hair. I used to be paranoid that he�d suddenly sneeze and the razor would slip and I�d be left with only one jugular vein intact.

Oh whoops excuse me! Darn what a mess. You are a tough customer to please. What�s all that red stuff your neck�s leaking all over the- Hey don�t fall asleep, I can�t hold your head up and cut your hair at the same time! Come on, up!

Some very disturbing images from HTF come to mind.

written at 9:59 p.m.

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