; J.Gan

2005-08-12 : 5 weeks to promos!
Ok, it�s 730 and I haven�t done any work at all since I came home at 4+. This is not good. The computer is like a black hole. It sucks me to it and then proceeds to gobble up insane amounts of my time. But anyway. I just have to write something before I actually go attempt to do something resembling work.

I know what I miss. The TJ Swimmas! I think most sports CCAs promote bonding more than groups like choir. I mean, when you physically suffer with people you definitely bond with them.

If only there were some way to get the best of both worlds. Like go for choir three times a week, go for TJ swimming twice a week, Train the normal twice a week, go for maths �R� on Thursdays and still get my homework done! Oh wait, that�s 8 days a week. Oh dear.

I don�t miss TJ, just the Swim Team. And I do miss certain people there as well. Why isn�t there a JC full of your favourite people? Or type of people.

Gah there are like 5 weeks to promos! That�s not much time at all! I shall make a study plan over this weekend

I have absolutely no idea where my life is going. There is no direction. At all. The next pit stops I can see are Promos and ALevels and after that I can only see a vast void that stretches as far as the eye can see�

Oh mannn....

written at 7:32 p.m.

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