; J.Gan

2005-05-25 : Sick part II. Not on sunday anymore though.
When you�re sick and trying to sweat it out, so to speak, I think the heat sort of screws your mind up temporarily. I mean, have you ever seen a purple elephant flying just in front of your spectacles? Well neither have I. The only flying elephant ever seen in front of my specs was gray and behind a television screen. And it had big ears and its name was Dumbo!

Hmm. Anyway. I was just lying there thinking, and I realized I really haven�t met anyone I like in VJ. It�s odd eh? That�s what I meant by conservative in the last entry, although I didn�t elaborate. Heheh. Actually I forgot to, but� Whee.

I can count the number of people I�ve ever liked on the fingers of one hand. Or maybe half the number of fingers on one hand. Since my dislike of one of those persons now more than matches the initial like. So I think It�s safe to say she counts only with half a finger.

Anyway. Why, dear reader, am I telling you all this? There must be a point, must there not? For if there is no point, your pencil cannot write, no?

There is no point, actually, nor is there a need to be, since I am typing this with a keyboard and not writing with a pencil.

I understand all this is sounding rather random and perhaps you are, at this very moment, fearing for my sanity and thinking that perhaps a goodly number of my inadequate little gray cells have been roasted by the fever? Well they have not been.

The main reason for this, um, reminiscence is that the other day I realized a (former?) friend doesn�t really talk to me anymore, and though I�m moderately sure she�d say we�re still friends, it�s disappointing to not be answered when you talk to someone (or at least say hello and wait for a reply. And wait. And wait. Until said person has gone offline.. But I digress.) and not get any reply. Etcetc. Anyway. I should be back up and about by the end of tomorrow, so�


written at 9:59 p.m.

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Wistful - 2012-01-22
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