; J.Gan

2004-07-03 : Lit Timed Practice
Today was lit timed prac. Only the first paper and no KOC, it was replaced with 12th nite, so it was really very very slack. And to add to it, Mrs. Vora �told� us a few days beforehand what the essay question would be. She went through in detail with us on Feste�s role in twelth nite.. .Haha. then I had my suspicions, so I completely didn�t study about Feste. What�s the point? If it�s going to come out and I just regurgitate what she said, it�s sorta defeating the purpose of the timed practice, isn�t it? Haha. So anyway it was quite ok.

Very lucky. Cos last night I went training and when I came back I completely couldn�t study. So I went online and chatted. Hahaha. I think I can get somewhere around b4 at the least. =) haha.

I got to school early, so I went for the choir meeting, 10 mins of it anyway. Haha. Sorta spoke out. Can afford to be more outspoken now that I�m not in anymore� haha. I hope what I said helped.

Anyway. I was almost late for timed prac as a result. But as I went in, there were 2 more mins, so it wasn�t so bad� haha. Then Ms. Yee told us to separate our tables, and said that we shouldn�t make a mockery of the timed practice� And I couldn�t resist and said that it was a mock exam� haha. Quite mean la. She didn�t know what to say and went off after giving out the papers. Haha.

Then after that it was bball with roger teddy and Edmund(4b), who came later. Haha. 45 mins from 1215 to 110. Haha. Very fun.

Going for jiang later. =)

Hope it wont be boring� but surely it wont be as interesting as the SYF opening ceremony� =(

written at 3:10 p.m.

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